I first began as a photographer in 1991, as a docent for the Santa Monica  Mountains Conservancy educational program.  One Sunday each month, I sitll lead a public photowalk in Franklin Canyon, a nearly  500 acre National Park Reserve in between the San Fernando Valley and Beverly Hills.  The park shares the famous 90210 zip code.  Presently one Saturday monthly, I now also lead a walk in the famous King Gillette Park in Calabassas.  Walking through Los Angeles continues to inspire me
 to photograph the varities of landscapes; including the Pacific Ocean, the Los Angeles River, mountains, flora, and fauna.  The fact that these same sites have been used for film locations by the Hollywood film industry has also influenced my photography.  Using infrared and more traditional 
color photography,  I am not only drawn to capture the natural Los Angeles, but also the architecture familarized in movies.  

 I will be leading the “Capture A Nature’s Moment” once a month at Franklin Canyon and King Gillette Parks.    For directions, dates and times, please call  Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority at 310-858-7272, Ext. 131